August 26-30, 2019 -Art Acrobats
Get ready for an action pack week of art exercise, magic paint tricks and creative contact sports included the ever-popular automotive toe drawing, speed painting, and legendary grand finale Pollock paint party. Projects include: Blow-Up Drawing, Picasso busts a move, Helen Frankenthaler pours paint andAlex Calder High Wire Mobiles.
Important Art Camp Information
Ages 6-12
Day camp runs from Monday to Friday. Camp begins at 9:00am (drop off is between 8:30 -9:00am) and runs until 4:00pm (pick up is between 4:00-4:30pm)
A typical day will include: a morning excursion, picnic lunch, free play and an afternoon in studio art lesson
Good walking shoes, small backpack, a snack, a picnic lunch, a water bottle, and appropriate painting/hiking clothes
Provided: All art materials, including portable easel and sketchpad and the occasional summer treat!
Camp base: 5507 47th Street (off school draw)